Continuing Campaigning

While Older & Bolder closes on 30th June 2013 we recognise that your journey continues. You have valuable skills and expertise. Many of you are experienced campaigners and lobbyists. Our hope is that you will use all of your capabilities to continue to advocate for changes that will make Ireland a better country to grow older in.

In the ‘Our Journey Together’ conference report (page 61) we outline the method of campaigning that served Older & Bolder well through various successful national campaigns. We hope these guidelines encourage you to continue to campaign for older people’s rights and entitlements into the future.

Furthermore, our member organisations, who are leading on different aspects of policy development on behalf of older people in Ireland, will welcome your involvement in their work. Use the links below to find out more about our member organisations and their policy priorities including continued action on the National Positive Ageing Strategy and the Make Home Work campaign:

  • Age & Opportunity's work focuses on positive ageing and active citizenship in our programmes. Following on from Older & Bolder we will a) engage with how the National Positive Ageing Strategy affects your life and b) take a lead on income needs for older people. 
  • The Carers Association will endeavour to adobt the Older & Bolder 'Make Home Work' campaign and continue to make the right to age well at home a reality. We will strive to ensure that home-based care in the community remains a fundamental pillar of health policy and that the government is held to account for its delivery on this objective. 
  • Irish Senior Citizens Parliament advocates with, and on behalf of older people, to Government ,public bodies, service providers and civil society generally, on issues affecting their/our lives – such as income, access to all services essential for positive ageing with emphasis on the implementation of the National Positive Ageing Strategy. 
  • Senior Help Line – Third Age is a national voluntary organisation promoting the value of older people and their contribution to communities throughout Ireland.
  • Active Retirement Ireland is a membership led organisation with 550 local associations and 23,000 members across Ireland. The organisation promotes positive ageing through the delivery of a range of physical, social, learning and cultural activities and is a strong advocate for issues that affect older people.
  • Alzheimer Society of Ireland is the leading dementia specific service provider in Ireland. Our mission is to help meet the needs of people with Alzheimer's or dementia and their carers.
  • Irish Hospice Foundation is the national charity dedicated to all matters relating to dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. The IHF will work over the coming years to ensure that the National Positive Ageing Strategy is implemented particularly its recommendations to mprove end-of-life care. We will also support positive ageing and the “Make Home Work” campaign so that more people can fulfil their wish to die at home with dignity.
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