Courting hearts and minds

The President Michael D Higgins is today attending a seminar hosted by Older & Bolder to celebrate the links between young and old.  In an inter-generational show of solidarity young students meet with Older & Bolder activists to discuss how strong connections between the generations can create a stronger society.

Patricia Conboy, Director of Older and Bolder said people of all ages now need to make their voices heard about the sort of society we want to create.

“There is a lot of debate about the economy right now and that is right and necessary. However, we must not lose sight of our values, our vision and our dreams about the sort of country we want to live in. Out of every crisis comes opportunity and out of Ireland’s economic crisis today there comes an opportunity to shape a better future for everyone.  

“Leaders and decision-makers do respond when people make their voices heard.  A fair health system, decent transport links, supports for people at challenging times of their lives – these are the marks of a healthy and thriving society.  This benefits everyone - our children, our parents, our grandchildren and our grandparents.

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