A Vocal Response

On the 1st October, United Nations Day of Older People, we launched the online version of our petition to the Taoiseach calling for the State Pension and associated supports to be protected.

Three days later and the response has been immediate and vocal. Amongst the hundreds of signatures many left comments underlining the importance of safeguarding the State Pension. Here we share just a few of those comments. These represent the strongly held views of individual people and not necessarily those of Older & Bolder. 

Do not touch our pensions we are struggling to keep our selves warm this winter already, I am also a full time carer for my wife and myself at 80 years old. Mr H, Kerry

The State pension should be preserved at all costs for our older population who have contributed significantly in their working lives to the wealth of this country which was squandered by mismanagement and non-regulation of our financial system. The most vulnerable in our society should not now have to suffer as a result. Ms K.

Please do not put older people below the poverty line by cutting our pension. Ms B

People paid throughout their working lives towards their pension. Any cuts to their pension, direct or indirect, is like making them pay all over again for something that had already been paid for. Mr C

Do not cut the state pension as I am finding it difficult enough to manage as it is with the cost of medication and no medical card. Ms C

Do not have the elderly of the nation pay for the mistakes of the bankers. Mr L

We must defend our old age pension against this bunch of Politician’s who will do nothing to adjust their own privileged pensions. Mr K

I am resolutely opposed to any attempt to cut the state old age pension or other entitlements of any person dependent on social welfare payments. Ms, B

At the end of the day, if you make cuts it will costs you more in homes, health and you will definitely lose votes. Mr O

Don't turn what are supposed to be golden years to black years. Leave the paltry state pension alone! Ms W

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