‘Making Positive Ageing Happen’ requires Government to publish a comprehensive & effective strategy [29/09/11]

Older & Bolder outlines 10 key commitments the National Positive Ageing Strategy must address

Older & Bolder has today called on the Government to publish an effective, comprehensive and ambitious National Positive Ageing Strategy (NPAS) by highlighting 10 key commitments essential for a meaningful strategy. The call comes ahead of International Day of Older Persons Saturday, October 1st.
The alliance welcomed the Government’s commitment to delivering the NPAS and urged Minister for Older People, Kathleen Lynch TD, to prioritise the development and implementation of an ambitious and effective strategy.

Older & Bolder’s Director, Patricia Conboy stated, “this coming International Day of Older Persons, Saturday October 1st, is an opportune time to celebrate the potential of a well crafted positive ageing strategy”. She explained that the National Positive Ageing Strategy will set the direction for future policies, programmes and services for older people in Ireland.

“Given the strategy’s role as a far-reaching and long-term planning document, preparing for a future beyond our immediate economic environment, Older & Bolder contends that it should be an ambitious and visionary strategy.

“The NPAS can determine the baseline for a blend of values, policies, laws and services that will maximise our independence as we age.  If this happens, Ireland will become a better place for people of all ages to live, age and die.”

Ms Conboy explained that Older & Bolder, through consultations with older people, had identified 10 commitments that the NPAS needs to address if Ireland is to be a better place to grow older. They are:
1. Equality for older people
2. Respect and dignity for people of all ages
3. Fairer Health Care
4. Effective Home and Community Care
5. Clarity about rights and entitlements
6. Secure Pension
7. Effective Transport
8. Meaningful involvement of older people
9. Joined up planning and delivery of services and supports
10. A road map for implementation

Patricia Conboy continued, “during our consultations older people have repeatedly told us they want to be independent and self-governing regardless of age or circumstances. This hope has been expressed to us by older people who are active and healthy and by older people with illness and disability. The right kind of planning, information and supports make the crucial difference between independence and dependence for older people and the National Positive Ageing Strategy should reflect this.

“Given the importance of the National Positive Ageing Strategy to older people’s lives and the time that older people have invested in the Government’s consultation process, we look forward to the publication of a comprehensive and effective strategy that addresses, with ambition, the key issues concerning growing older in Ireland.” Ms Conboy concluded.

Older & Bolder is an alliance of eight non-governmental organisations in the ageing sector that work with and support thousands of older people including: Active Retirement Ireland, Age & Opportunity, Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Carers Association, Irish Hospice Foundation, Older Women’s Network, Irish Senior Citizens Parliament and the Senior Help Line. 

Jemma Hogan, Montague Communications on 01- 8303116 or 085 7229024
Note: Photos of the event taken outside Leinster House by Derek Speirs are available: free reproduction

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