Publication of the National Positive Ageing Strategy [24/04/13]


Older & Bolder congratulates Minister Kathleen Lynch on the publication of the National Positive Ageing Strategy. 

Director of Older & Bolder, Patricia Conboy said, “Older & Bolder welcomes the holistic view of ageing that the strategy embraces, the recognition for the need for a whole-of-government response and specific health-related commitments that speak to our recent Make Home Work campaign”.

Patricia Conboy explained, “by the strategy’s own terms, much of the heavy lifting of turning positive aspirations into concrete actions will happen in the next six months; the timeframe given by the Minister for the creation of the high level implementation plan.” 

Patricia Conboy continued, “tomorrow, Minister Lynch will be addressing Older & Bolder supporters about the National Positive Ageing Strategy at our closing conference in Croke Park. I’m sure that one question they will have is what tangible difference will the strategy make to their lives? That impact will be easier to evaluate when the vision presented is translated into a high level implementation plan. This will happen in the next six months, clearly a very important time-period for older people. 

Patrica Conboy concluded, “It will be important that the Non Governmental Liaison Group and the Cross-Departmental Group play a central role during this phase where the strategy’s vision is translated into deliverables, timeframes and performance indicators” 

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Notes to the Editor:
Older & Bolder’s closing conference “Our Journey Together” will take place between 10:30 and 3:30 at Croke Park Conference Centre Dublin on Thursday 25th April. Minister Kathleen Lynch will address the conference about the recently published National Positive Ageing Strategy. The Minister will arrive at 10:30, with a photo call at 10:45 and deliver a speech on the National Positive Ageing Strategy at 11am.  
The promotion of an age friendly and age inclusive Ireland is a core goal of Older & Bolder, an alliance of NGOs in the age sector.  The members of Older & Bolder are Active Retirement Ireland, Age & Opportunity, Alzheimer Society of Ireland, Carers Association, Irish Hospice Foundation, Irish Senior Citizens Parliament, Senior Help Line-Third Age
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